NDS Spee-D Channel FAQS and Resources

What is the NDS Spee-D Channel Drain Series?
NDS introduces the Spee-D Channel Drainage Series. Spee-D Channel is a 4" modular drainage system equipped with an expansive assortment of fittings and accessories. Featuring a unique, patented flying buttress design, NDS Spee-D channel drains provide support from the bottom as well as both sides. The channel drain flanges on the bottom function as an anchoring lip, resulting in a secure, straight installation with minimal floating. The NDS Spee-D drainage system comprises high-quality injection-molded plastic that is impervious to rust and chemicals ensuring unparalleled durability and longevity. The drainage system's versatility is amplified by its vast selection of fittings, making the Spee-D drain system highly adaptable and an optimal solution for most residential and patio areas.
Applications of the NDS Spee-D Channel Series
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain is a versatile, easy-to-install trench drain system that effectively collects and diverts water. NDS Spee-D Channel drains come in four-foot lengths that can be effortlessly cut to accommodate any space. Coupled with an array of accessories and grates available in a wide selection of colors and styles, it's never been easier to design a drainage system that fits your project and desired aesthetic. The NDS Spee-D Channel Drain system is recommended for a variety of applications, including:
- Patios: Keep your patio area dry and safe by installing the NDS Spee-D Drainage system. This product collects and diverts water away from the area, preventing slips and falls.
- Pools: Prevent water accumulation on your pool deck with the NDS Spee-D Drainage system. This product prevents water from causing damage to the surrounding area.
- Tennis Courts: The NDS Spee-D Drain system is a reliable solution for tennis court drainage. It keeps the playing area dry and safe by effectively collecting water and preventing accidents.
- Spas: Keep your spa area safe with the NDS Spee-D Drainage system. This product collects water and prevents it from accumulating in the spa area -- ensuring a safer and more enjoyable experience.
- Decks: Collects water from rain and other sources, in which preventing it from seeping into the deck and causing damage.
- Residential Hardscapes: The NDS Spee-D Drainage system is an ideal solution for maintaining dry and safe outdoor spaces in residential hardscapes.
- A unique, patented flying buttress design that provides support from both sides as well as the bottom
- Patented honeycomb walls with UV inhibitors
- Chemical resistance for long-lasting durability and longevity
- A variety of materials and colors to match any project
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I purchase NDS Spee-D Channel Drains and accessories?
We stock all of the NDS Spee-D Channel products at an extremely low price. You can browse our selection here.
What lengths are available?
The NDS Spee-D Channel is available in four foot and ten foot sections. The channel can be easily cut to any length. Call In Directly for our NDS 10 FT Spee-D Channel Drain Pricing. Spee-D channel drain grates come in two-foot sections, so two are required per 4 FT channel drain section. A 2-foot section with bottom spigot is also available for users looking to divert water below.
What color grates are available?
Spee-D Channel grates are available in White (NDS #240), Gray (NDS #241), Green (NDS #242), Black (NDS #243), sand (NDS #244), and brick red (NDS #251). Spee-D Channel Drain Grates are also available in two decorative styles, Botanical (NDS #252) and wave (NDS #253).
Are metal grates available?
Cast iron grates and Galvanized Steel grates are available upon request.
What is the load rating of NDS Spee-D Channel Drains?
NDS Spee-D Channel Drains can withstand loads up to Class C (176-325 PSI / 56,200 lbs per foot) by using an Iron grating. The Injection molded PVC Spee-D Channel grates are class B rated, capable of supporting automobiles, light trucks, and medium-duty pneumatic tires at speeds less than 20 m.p.h.
Does the Spee-D Channel ship with any accessories?
The Spee-D Channel Drain does not ship with any accessories. Each channel drain section will require fittings for each end, two-channel grates, and 8 channel grate screws, which may be found here
Can the Spee-D Channel make bends?
Yes, the Spee-D Channel can make bends or angles. NDS manufactures prefabricated 45's, 90's, tee's, and even crosses. The channel drain can also be cut to any angle using a miter saw. The same angle will need to be cut into another piece of channel. Glue the pieces together and secure the joint before encasing it in concrete.
How do I connect the channels together?
Spee-D Channel drains are connected together by using Spee-D Channel couplings.

How does the water drain out of the Spee-D Channel Drain?
Water can be drained from Spee-D Channel Drain drains in one of two ways: the bottom of the channel or the end of the channel. To drain the water from the end of an NDS Spee-D channel drain, you will need a 2" Spigot End Outlet. To drain water from the bottom of the channel, you will need a specialized piece of Spee-D channel drain (NDS #234)
Do I need to worry about the expansion and contraction of the grates?
NDS recommends that 1/8" be left between each grate to allow for any expansion or contraction.
How much water can the channel hold?
Spee-D Channel drains hold approximately the same amount of water as a 4" pipe of equivalent length.
How do I glue on the accessories?
PVC glue may be used to attach Spee-D Channel accessories to the drain itself.

Can I use rebar or any other method to stake the channel sections instead of the 6” channel installation stakes?
Yes. The recommended method to install the channel is to drive a piece of ½” or 5/8” piece of rebar into the ground in the trench. Then drill small holes in the bottom flange of the channel. Next, tie wire is inserted into the hole and twisted onto the rebar so that the top of the channel sits 1/8” below the finished edge of the concrete.

How are the grates connected to the channel?
The grates themselves fit in a groove within the Spee-D Channel drain. Four screws are required for each Spee-D Channel grate (Flat head #8 x 1"). Screws come at 50 per package and may be purchased here. Screws are made of stainless steel to decrease the amount of maintenance required.
Installation Instructions
Product Installation Instructions
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain Light Vehicular Traffic Installation - PaversNDS Spee-D Channel Drain Bottom Outlet Installation
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain End Outlet Installation
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain Typical Landscape Traffic Installation
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain Typical Light Vehicular Traffic Installation
NDS Spee-D Channel Drain Typical Pedestrian Traffic Installation
NDS Channel Drain Installation Guide